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Installing Yggdrasil – A Toy Implementation of an Encrypted IPv6 Network

2018-08-29 Update: This tutorial is now very out of date. The Yggdrasil team now maintains great installation guides here.

At Philly Mesh, we like to play around with pieces of technology that aren’t directly related to our core software stack. One such piece of software is Yggdrasil, an encrypted IPv6 networking implementation developed by Arceliar. Yggdrasil borrows many ideas from cjdns, but was primarily written to test a new routing scheme developed by Arceliar. While it is not production-ready software, Yggdrasil is an interesting foray into encrypted networking and fun to experiment with.

For this installation guide, we assume a Debian Stretch (or similar) Linux system with a non-root, sudo user.

First, we need to make sure we have a recent version of go. We can check our version using the following command:

$ go --version
go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64

Yggdrasil is built with Go 1.9. At the time of writing, Debian Stretch only comes with Go 1.3. If you need to install a more recent version of Go, you can do so manually. Below is an example installing Go 1.9.2 for the amd64 architecture using a download link from

$ sudo apt-get remove golang
$ cd /usr/local
$ sudo wget
$ sudo tar -xzf go1.9.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /usr/local/bin/go

Now we will set up some environment variables to use Go:

$ mkdir ~/go
$ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go

Now we are ready to install Yggdrasil:

$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd yggdrasil-go/
$ ./build

If all goes well, Yggdrasil will have built successfully with no errors. Now we are ready to generate a config file:

$ ./yggdrasil --genconf > conf.json

The config file is pretty basic and allows for some customization:

$ cat conf.json
  "Listen": "[::]:0",
  "Peers": [],
  "BoxPub": "46d18cbcfa0d510fcd226f323efe279525c50eb15db925d4879ee675b99b0724",
  "BoxPriv": "727213ecb3caf601ee49596fa77469674bed177f10d8607ee76ec1f35e942310",
  "SigPub": "08565493e805e905dbcc22cdaa7e60bd6cb6fc1df21d1b807b46f6285f8b86fd",
  "SigPriv": "4173f91e08ab2b6f7c5ae96cf9d61f7ac30b36be7a5eff298e00e0d08f6f5c9608565493e805e905dbcc22cdaa7e60bd6cb6fc1df21d1b807b46f6285f8b86fd",
  "Multicast": true

If you want Yggdrasil to listen on a static port, you can change the Listen attribute to use an IP and/or port of your choosing like "". You can add entries to the Peers attribute by listing them as strings (IP:PORT) in the array (comma-separated). The Multicast attribute is currently set to true, but you could set this to false if you didn’t want to auto-peer for some reason.

Here is a sample config that listens on port 1234 on all interfaces and connects to a peer at

cat conf.json
  "Listen": "[::]:1234",
  "Peers": [""],
  "BoxPub": "46d18cbcfa0d510fcd226f323efe279525c50eb15db925d4879ee675b99b0724",
  "BoxPriv": "727213ecb3caf601ee49596fa77469674bed177f10d8607ee76ec1f35e942310",
  "SigPub": "08565493e805e905dbcc22cdaa7e60bd6cb6fc1df21d1b807b46f6285f8b86fd",
  "SigPriv": "4173f91e08ab2b6f7c5ae96cf9d61f7ac30b36be7a5eff298e00e0d08f6f5c9608565493e805e905dbcc22cdaa7e60bd6cb6fc1df21d1b807b46f6285f8b86fd",
  "Multicast": true

Now, we can start Yggdrasil in the background:

sudo ./yggdrasil --useconf < conf.json &

You should now have a tun interface up for your Yggdrasil node:

$ ip a 
43: tun1: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1280 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN group default qlen 500
    inet6 fd00:4645:d147:7c16:98f2:20ea:d0ba:7174/8 scope global
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

Now, you can ping other Yggdrasil nodes on the network:

$ ping6 -c4 fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e
PING fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e(fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=14.4 ms
64 bytes from fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=12.6 ms
64 bytes from fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=15.1 ms
64 bytes from fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=12.9 ms

--- fd1f:dd73:7cdb:773b:a924:7ec0:800b:221e ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.673/13.783/15.105/1.017 ms

Further documentation for Yggdrasil is available here, and a whitepaper draft is available here.